
An Open Letter to the European Parliamentary Assembly

["pace.com@coe.int" -- Please take the responsibility to forward this email in it's entirety! If you don't and they learn of it, then I guess it's not your job after all, right? If you don't know how to do that, then please ask an elder for assistance. If there was a quick way for me to send it myself, I'd have done that bit of work for you and saved you a little bit of time. You are authorized to send this to anyone you wish, inside or outside of "The Government". ==> Res Publica.]

To all Member State's Representatives of the European Council, and all Citizens of Planet Earth who happen to get a copy of this by whatever means, Pertaining to Agenda 21 issues and especially to European Council Resolution 1952 and Recommendation 2023:

I am a citizen of America the Beautiful, not that one with "rockets red glare" and "bombs bursting" because it is evil. I believe in "liberty" but not in "freedomination".

I have written a number of essays and letters, published on my blog, that I think you all ought to carefully read, in the interests of honest Due Process, each of us' "right to be heard", adaequatio intellectus et rei adversus solem ne loquitor. (augury) First, here are the links:

You are missing out if you don't read all of them. Really. Don't say I didn't try and warn you.

Imagine this... you are sitting in on a social experiment being conducted at a University. There are two groups, and two speakers. One speaker is a pro-circumcision "doctor", and the other is an anti-circumcision "Intactivist". One group hears the "doctor" speak first, and the other group hears the "Intactivist" speak first. There are before and after surveys taken for each group. There are question and answer sessions after each talk, where the audience may ask questions of the speaker. The entire event is covered by audio/video recording equipment, with cameras on both the speaker and the audience.

Do you suppose that the "doctor" will begin the lesson with an Anatomy lesson? (http://www.doctorsopposingcircumcision.org) What about the "Intactivist"? (I guarantee the Intactivist will begin with an anatomy lesson!)

Think about the probable outcome, using your "mental simulator", in terms of the credibility rating the audience may assign to each speaker at the end of the talks. Now think about your own credibility ratings given that the Grass Roots efforts are well underway (ie, this exact scenario has been carried out, for real, at several locations already) and that "you can't stop the signal, Mal." Does this scenario bring you any serenity?

I pray that it does. Peace be with us all, God willing.

    Karl Martin Hegbloom


Ab abusu ad usum non valet consequentia.

If our representatives in and to government had the attitude about the "Syria" things  that I've seen demonstrated by some Internet News Article Comment Trolls, we would all be living in cement bunkers, next to our well armed 8 year old petards, eating snicker bars and long-pig lemonade, no doubt, and to hell with everyone else, I hate it here in the dark posing as a shadow of hope, so I'm going to blow something up instead..? Anybody listening? You're all busy at work earning money for stuff you never use and I'm not being "appropriately parented" or anything here at this Kibutz... Well, then I'll do it. So there, and it's not an inflatable forbidden one I'm about to blow up, so you better look out or I'll snot-glob you with radioactive drone-punk angst-thrash comic book glop!<../sarc>

If those who staff our domestic criminal legal-minus-justice system carried that "attitude problem", our entire country would be fracking Broken Windowed... and who cares. Why bother? Nuke it and sell it, I says. Psst... Wanna buy a Detroit air-quality nuke? Snarky-Darky-Sarky-Nark... Snarky-Darky-Sarky-Nark... Snarky-Darky-Sarky-Nark... Arms dealer alarm! Oh, yeah! Koolaid crashing through the wall comes to our rescue... So who's going to be our "Fireman Sam" coming to the rescue.., punk? Red-Bucket Brigade 3? Huh, punk?

Hey, if we de-fund them, will they simply steal what they want with the guns they already have? Or will they put them down and play something else now? What the hell kind of work ethic is that? Do you think "well, I've got a big top gun, so I can do whatever I want?" should be considered sane thinking? Not when "top gun" has been disillusioned and deprogrammed. "You first, boss.", "No, I outrank you, so you go first." vs "You first, bro.", "No, I don't want to go first here either. Let's find another way (perhaps around a sniper or non-keyed minefield or disfunctional repetition of past mistakes..." thhwiitt! Thunk! "Ka-Chow, baby. Fade away." Snarky-Darky-Sarky-Nark... Now what?

Please, look at those photos from near the chemical weapons attack areas in Syria, or of any oppressed and intimidated natural citizens of the country upon which is trespassed, in the middle east, and think about sending those people some "Square Foot Gardening" kits. Really. It's obvious that they need to and probably want to green that place up a bit. I bet they'd love to have a fresh home-grown tomato. Everyone needs cow-ward-eyes, not coup-rage. Yous git that? Terraform. Make Terra prita nova, install drip irrigation, row shades where necessary, and live life growing food as life was meant to be lived, staying close to our tilth. Back to hell with oil. To hell with weapon imports and exports, and to hell with the whole "military domination" mentality. It's too dangerous. Take it all, just leave my cutting board behind. There's an obvious evolutionary pressure in favor of human beings who are social, and get along well with others, and, them-by, cultures that co-operate with one another to share resources vs fighting over them, and away from the "culture" of armies, armed combat, and the domination-cult-chess-game-like mentality. Coup-rage is insane. It is an atavistic mal-adaption. Full cooperation will be achieved. Resistance is futile.

The action of "bombing Syria" is such an obviously stupid contrived Malthusian Catastrophe that nobody ought to be allowed to blunder into it who can more equitably and productively utilize their efforts doing useful work, like manufacturing aerogenerator turbines, feeding lunch to factory workers, installing aerogenerators, feeding aerogenerator installation crews, maintaining aerogenerators, feeding aerogenerator maintenance mech-techs, manufacturing smart-grid technology infrastructure parts & pieces, feeding factory workers, installing smart-grid electrical infrastructure, feeding smart-grid installation crews, maintaining smart-grid electrical infrastructure, feeding smart-grid maintenance elec-techs, manufacturing electrical train equipment, feeding factory workers, installing electrical train infrastructure, feeding railroad workers, maintaining and operating electrical railroad transportation systems, feeding railroad Teamsters. Management is a form of labor. You're one of those people too. Without labor, all these fine things never really happen. Division of labor is necessary. Just reading that list is tedious. Imagine being the only ones of a small group working on a task so vast that is so clearly what our world needs to do so that the contention over the petroleum reserves can be alleviated. Wow, no more gasoline spilling out of underground tanks, no more heavy traffic, no more car cuck-ah cesspool effect returning down canyon from Alta-bird...

Trying to kill, threaten, or harass people wastes time and puts them on the defensive, wasting their time having to fight. Instead of that, both parties could, cooperatively, actually be solving an interesting and useful problem, like intelligent and educated human beings, who are known to become despondent and are at one useless in captivity... We the People are much more useful and manageable when left at social liberty, bodily intact and secure in our persons, free to share ideas and share planning tasks, with no bullshit chain of command abuse of authority antithetical to intelligent emergently organized society. Harm none. Do no harm. Never attack. Befriend. Don't fixate upon "military" matters, for therein lies Insanity. Instead, fixate upon the Rule of Law promised by the Enlightenment. Nn-kay, Sam?

Oh, and never forget this: There is probably no such thing as a bulletproof blue beret. Not everyone shares the same ideals as the blue beret ought to represent. Perhaps not everyone thinks in terms of ideals... They may see nothing but a hostile invader entering their primal territory, from whom they feel a deep instinctual need to defend their families... Oh, what a revelation! Gosh, that's just how I'd react if they sent soldiers here; I mean, that's how they see "our" troops in their country. (Dark Lord 3, who wants your land, is petting his beard, plotting a "false attack" strategy because that's apparently one of the only tricks those lowbrow assholes ever learned... "Oh, hey, and I hear that most opiate addicted soldiers love heroin even more than opium or morphine... they'll do anything to get it. It's probably kept under guard... They jumped up and got right behind the ole 8-ball on getting into Afganistan, didn't they?")

I think it is very important that We the People of Planet Earth treat the Syrian Chemical Weapon Attack thing as an International Criminal Investigation, and focus on finding the actual perpetrators of the actus reus, i.e., the ones who actually pushed the buttons or pulled the triggers, or pumped the petrol, or put the pedal to the metal, or anything chrono-transitively relevant... (V-room-blaringly obvious enough for ye?) We need to think like honest detectives and civil=and=human=rights lawyers, not like a zombie lynch mob hungry for petrol transit sic GimMiCk, Ok?  So, let's try and tell them all, Hero! Tell us "Who's guilty?", "Who's fault is all this?", "What are the forces that provide the impetus behind all of this subtle crazy emergent chaos?"

Try and remember to think about that question next Sunday, while you fill up your g-ass tank... watching the numbers roll around the gauge, ignoring the healthy glowing person of the opposite sex in summery clothing riding by on that bicycle, daydream and perform a mental analysis to discover probable transitive impact upon inter- and intra- societal stability and mutual equity in quality and enjoyment of life, given contention for resources their civilizations are "addicted" to, in a context where viable alternatives can exist only after much hard work is done by participants in nationwide electrical generation, distribution, and transportation infrastructure construction projects... Run your mental simulation once with them fair-dinkum pairwise cooperative, and another time with them pairwise obstructionist, lazy, greedy, aggressive, and mortally dangerous shing-brawn without educated think-brain; think-brain, no-shing, that can "do the math" and see there's more work needing done than they can do themselves? Or, think-brain, no-shing, that knows nobody respects a lazy soldier standing with a gun when there's useful work needing done? How hard can it be, gunny-boy? Want to learn to do something useful, rather than something viciously and willingly destructive? It's like, "Oh, shit, the gas is spilling over onto what used to be a fertile garden but is now a pimped-up, paved-over, pissed on brownfield... Oh, sorry, it was an accident. Doh. But who cared, as long as there was petrol in the car, owe?"; "Yeah. Watt fur."; "That was so profound it makes my hair stand on end."; "Exciting times, eh?"; "Yah..."; "Blow, wind, blow... and bring us back some peace of mind with ourselves right before we approach some exhaltation-limit t-totally insanely sarcastic-bliss-maximum-point Zounty-no-Doubty-X-ount..."

So, thinking about it while pumping gasoline into your juiced personal iron cage on wheels, which, at least in your owned mind, pumping away, has you rape-tied to the wheel of your pimple-assed life quite a lot of the time.., I mean, yous being so well-traveled, and all... (Hmmm... The writer looks up from per researchlike reading and academicish writing to see a red fox chasing a mouse, then a butterfly, and finally it's own tail in an alfalfa hay field; per head turning until the cycling fox is too far behind the train to see again anywhere but inside per indelible memory... Per then writes it down inside a parenthetical, and continues, putting bizarre midwesternesque shaggy-dog-story self-narrative aside cooly, and with dignity, but putting it away... really... What?!) It seems to me there are some relevant questions here, in the land where most agree that "surprise sex" is probably "rape" and thereby feloniously illegal malum in se. Surprise! Where armed men are taking control of other people's proper territory and proper resources, it's a form of burglary, which is honestly illegal, malum prohibitum, anywhere I'd care to live and breath easy. And you say that "our" military is being taught to do this thing? I think we should teach them to do something more useful, so that will be what they'll go and do.

We the People are each capable of making reasonably decent, fair and Honestly Good (tm) decisions..(?) ...given complete and accurate information upon which to base those decisions and a logical and well trained thinking habit that moves with agility, coordination, and polite inter-facilitation in an ideal context free of coercion, free of obstructive antisocial political mind-frack, free of inequitable "special pleadings", free of meandering time-wasters (but not shaggy dogs), or even worse, psychotically repetitive and predictable time-wasters with loud bitchy voices and nothing but time on their hands --- at all; NOT free of interesting things to read, but free of time constraints; With wide open, but one at a time please, input from each and all with knowledge or inspiration and a few with less experience who will learn from it...

("Trust me," uh?... I could only imagine what other people in other lands are really like... I mean, their sense of what is Fair, Righteous, and Just is so totally alien to us? True? No way. There is more in common than not. Our cultures are siblings. The ideal Good is Universal. We strive for it in commonwealth and planethealth in good tilthing. Knowledge and well-functioning communication are first among the Keys to World Peace.) Application of the Parenting with Love and Logic paradigm has us delaying the consequences, while we think over what those Must Be. ("Consequences" is not a threat, per se.., I mean, it doesn't necessarily mean "violent reprisals", it's almost completely situation dependent, and hopefully it will be an ordered set of consequences that reflect fair dinkum honest Maxims of Law, for example, something like "multi-international criminal justice posse that is not a corpse-pissing lynch mob of oil starved zombies pretending to do justice while they steal your oil and opium...")

Relevant questions include "Were the individuals who fired their weapons acting under color or authority of law?", "Were they acting under orders given by a 'superior' officer?", "Really?", "What is the protocol used within their organization which controls orders or permission to shoot?", "Are those protocol mandated communications recorded and logged in a tamper-proof data processing standards file format both on-line and in secure off-line storage as mandated by non-optional military ethical standards code?" "Were they rogues or 'loose cannons'?" (Maybe the young soldiers, who went to the militia rather than to a University, who opened fire, perhaps in panic, at the 'protest' rally would throw a fit at that description...) "Assuming they did what they thought they were supposed to do in the circumstances... what example or training did they follow in doing what they did?", "What about the rumors that American mercenaries were seen in the area around the time of the attack?", and "Doesn't that bring to mind the reports that the 'World' Trade Center was actually brought down by thermite charges loaded off a semi-trailer into the stairwells set off by remote-controlled aircraft?" Or, "Are we really going to fall for this one again?", "Is anyone else tired of breathing petrol smoke while stuck in bumper to bumper traffic?", "Doesn't the popular phrase 'drive it like you stole it' refer to the petrol purchased from oil companies who brought 'home' Iraq's oil?", and "What gives them the freedomination to pollute, the freedomination to sell toxic waste as fuel, and the freedomination to tell blatant lies to the public, the president, and to congress, who then take action to throw away human lives when they could have put those people to work doing something more useful?"

In our criminal justice system, we have a Presumption of Innocence, which is premised upon the idea that most people are not criminals. It's not righteous to presume that Dr. Bashar al-Assad or "his" government is to blame! In fact --- from the Wikipedia article about him --- Dr. Bashar al-Assad is an Opthamologist. He went to medical school. Anyone out there know what that's like? Think there was time for him to minor in "Evil Dictatorship?" Really? It says that his older brother was the heir apparent, until he died in a car accident. When Dr. Bashar al-Assad was told by his father that he was now the heir, he was also recalled to the military, which apparently, outranks him, and thus he must follow orders... or else?

Truly, the "Russians Love Their Children Too", and surely, so do the Syrians and Iranians, and... well, everyone I can imagine... and certainly the overwhelmingly vast majority of humanity just want to live life as it was meant to be lived, and don't want armed bandits with scimitars and WMD marching around with nothing better to do than blow the nose off the autocratic klepto-sphinx of a rival... They want their children sent to study at a University, doctrina urbi serviat, not the militia, militia urbi destructo burn-baby-burn, desert melonfarmer. Don't we normally want really smart people running the show, rather than drop-out thugs who couldn't get a real job to blow their own noses? Anyone know somebody that throws a fit at that description? Is he sitting on the thrown? Do they do what you tell them to, even while holding their "own" "guns"? Think about it.

People do what they've been taught to do... If you teach them to use guns and false flag black-ops to "chess game" their way in to steal gasoline, that's what they'll go and do, because that's the way it has always been done..? and it's easier to maintain the status quo no-true-American "dream" or continue with the ancient Malthusian "war" plan than to formulate a new one for the 21st Century, right? If instead, you teach them to think outside of the oiled-up defoliated war-chest to pin a medal on (you don't want to be that guy), and they learn to respect and live by the Rule of Law, for reals, then that is, hopefully, what they'll go and do. ( http://karlhegbloom.blogspot.com/2009/08/selfish-defense.html) How hard can it be? Good Enough for you?

In the PBS interview of Dr. Bashar al-Assad, my feeling is that the interviewer is begging the question, beginning with a bogus presumption implicit in his behavior. (Perhaps not even PBS is free from the corporation-as-person "influence" --- Ender's Game --- of the military petroleum industrial complex that bug-sprays people..) What I see is that Dr. al-Assad is not making a threat here, but is rather delivering a warning, and trying to let us know, without being obvious or blinking in morse-code, that it's really not something he has any more control over than President Nixon had over the soldiers that shot the students at Kent State on May 4, 1970, or than President Nixon had over the ongoing "Role of the United States in the Vietnam War" (see Wikipedia article entitled as in previous quotation marks) or than the Passion Bearer had over the events of Bloody Sunday.

Seriously, I doubt it was the Assad family, ab intra, who "integrated the military into the government." We need to look in the shadows to find the true perpetrators of these atrocities, lest we crucify their scapegoats by mistake... which we are all, ah, sworn or affirmed to not allow to occur. Capice?


Weird Word Association

I'm just going to toss some words out here onto this entry, just to put a few ideas in your heads. The  Juxtaposition  of these particular vocabulary words with the other articles is not entirely accidental,
for obvious reasons.

  • Complexity
  • Emergence
  • System
  • Lifeworld
  • Adam Selene
  • Posse Comitatus
  • Distributed Human Intelligence Tasking
  • Rome Statute
  • NSA, Listen to Our Prayers
  • Quod est inferius est sicut quod est superius, et quod est superius est sicut quod est inferius, ad perpetranda miracula rei unius.
  • Teach by example, learn by example. Some examples are anti-lessons.
  • Legitimation Crisis
  • Crowdsourcing
  • The Moon is a Harsh Mistress
  • Augury
  • Read the letters that the children write to the Standard White Santa Klaus
  • Agency
  • (un)Fair Dinkum
  • Res Publica
  • The Common Sense (that God Gave a Goat)
  • Any Reasonable Person
  • Standard of Care
  • Duty to Rescue
  • Agenda 21
  • Blue Adept
  • Choose the Right

There are no secrets, per se, only things which take more than 5 minutes to explain.


      Violent Human Reservations

      I was thinking about the gun control issue... what if we set aside part of the planet, ala Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World," as a Violent Human Reservation, where people who want to own guns and shoot other people can go live? By sending them out of the country, it makes the homeland much safer, right?


      Dear NewsTip@KSL.com

      There's been a lot of things in the news about bullying, school shootings, and the Violence Against Women Act.
      I think that the VAWA should be extended to protect women's sons as well. There is a fair amount of research out there regarding the psychological effects of childhood trauma and neglect. It's not difficult for anyone interested in reading up on the subject to find academic research and professional research articles on the subject. For instance, you could start at http://violence.de, http://cirp.org, or Wikipedia. It's clear that the painful trauma and lifetime of deprivation of normal sexual sensitivity and physical pleasure have a devastating impact upon the mental health of the victims of sexual mutilations.

      What's worse is that many judges, prosecutors, and law enforcement officials do not recognize infant genital mutilation as a sexual crime. If you think about it the right way, perhaps it appears that the bullies are pretending it's not criminal to torture other men's sons... They are still operating under the mistaken belief that they still have control over the availability of true and complete factual information concerning the anatomy and function of the male prepuce. They believe they can continue to manage people's perceptions of it, and continue to cause people to believe that "circumcision" is in some way beneficial. In reality, the word "circumcision" is a deprecated euphemism for the atrocity that is more accurately referred to as "genital mutilation."

      Under the Utah Statutes, it is best described as "aggravated object rape of an infant that culminates in mayhem," Because it is perpetrated by a person in a special position of trust or authority, it becomes "aggravated." Because it involves penetration of a sexual opening (the opening at the end of the prepuce, which is the most sensitive part of the male sexual anatomy, the part they've been amputating and lying to us about), it is "object rape of a child." The child abuse statutes define "serious physical harm" in terms of permanent disfigurement and permanent loss of normal use of a body part. Thereby, the "circumcision" results in serious physical harm, and therefore the most severe penalty applies to those convicted of this despicable atrocity. It is often perpetrated under false pretenses, in that they are not truly providing complete and accurate information to those whom they solicit for the conspiracy to commit this crime; thus there is fraud involved as well.

      I've written a number of articles concerning this subject, which yous will find on my blog. There are several letters there written to congress, and to the "Aids Coordinator", who reports to the US Secretary of State. In one article, I discuss how infant genital mutilations perpetrated in the United States are, in fact, crimes against humanity, as defined by the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. I dare you to put an article about this on your front page.


      Also note the recent decisions in Germany and Australia concerning the criminality of genital mutilation of infant males. There comes a time when we must look around us, observe the societal norms, and learn to conform with them. The Europeans don't "circumcise." The Swedes don't, the Germans don't, the French don't, the Finns don't, the Dutch don't... Russian's don't, the Chinese don't, and the Indian's don't. The majority of the world population views it as an abomination.

      If it was justified to attack Iraq based upon the allegations that Saddam Hussein's regime gassed the Kurdish people, etc., and attacking Nazi Germany was justified based on the extermination of Jews there... Then certainly it would be easily possible to justify an invasion of the United States by citing the widespread and systematic practice of infant male genital mutilation. Therefore, it becomes a national security concern. The solution is simple. Stop torturing infants. Put the sex perverts that do that to them behind bars.

      We do not need to pass any new laws. It's already illegal under existing laws. To pass a new law that explicitly legalizes that one specific form of mayhem, congress would be admitting that it's already illegal to do so. They can not, in good faith, pass a law that is so clearly in conflict with the primary body of laws concerning malum in se crimes against the person. Our State Constitution contains a clause that says "All laws of a general nature are to have uniform operation." There are no laws against stealing Buick's, Chevrolet's, Ford's, or Porche's, yet it's illegal to steal any one of those specific brands of automobile because of the general purpose laws that prohibit grand larceny. Clearly, the laws that prohibit object rape, child abuse, and mayhem must be applied uniformly. To not do so is unconstitutional.

      I will be publishing this email as a blog entry. I'm looking forward to hearing from yous.

      Karl Hegbloom


      Let's show the world what they really are.

      There are a lot of related issues that we should be placing in juxtaposition with one another in our writings. Violence against women is a big deal... Domestic Violence, rape, etc are a big deal to the law enforcement and family courts. So is education... People like to be treated like intelligent human beings capable of forming valid conclusions given true and complete factual information.

      Here in Utah, judges have a continued education requirement. One of the women who advertises as a "custody evaluator" is a PhD who has taught classes to those judges concerning how traumatic experiences during childhood can affect their behaviour as adults. The "Project No Spank" people know what I'm talking about; Clearly traumatizing children is not beneficial!

      Nobody likes a fraud. Nobody likes hypocrisy, especially in those who are entrusted with governmental powers. The AAP has clearly made fraudulent representations to the people concerning circumcision; and it's clear that Anatomy textbooks, at least here in the Untied States, have been censored, to severely limit the amount of factual information educated people have available with which to make appropriate choices. Clearly there must be a conspiracy at work to bring such a thing into being.

      There are still judges who do not acknowledge that "circumcision" is in fact a crime. It is aggravated object rape of an infant that culminates in mayhem. In Utah, it deserves the mandatory sentence of life in prison without parole, per count, as mandated by the statutes on sex crimes. I'm pretty sure they won't be voting to reduce the penalty for that crime any time soon... (This is Salt Lake City, Utah, the former Olympic Village, and they can't just do anything they want, right? or left? Knee what I'm saying?)

      When many of us American men were born, the hospital and doctor ("they") solicited our parents to engage in the conspiracy to commit object rape (penetration of a sexual opening with an object) culminating in mayhem (amputation or mutilation of a body part resulting in permanent disfigurement and permanent loss of normal use). They made fraudulent representations to your parents about the "foreskin" -- that is a mere flap of skin, vestigial, and filthy -- and about the alleged health benefits of having your prepuce amputated. Of course they did not tell your parents that it was "object rape culminating in mayhem"; they sued fluffy words lie "circumcision" to describe it.

      They want to maintain the illusion that "circumcision" is not illegal; that it's an "accepted medical procedure." By offering a form that alleges to provide them with parent's permission to perform the "procedure" they continue to give it the "color of legality." People just assume that the hospital and doctors would not offer to do something illegal to their child. (Catch 22.)

      But we, here in this forum, know how easy it is to show that "circumcision" is really "genital mutilation" or "penis desensitization surgery" or "torture". Anaesthesia only adds insult to the injury -- he'll never feel a thing. (So check the box for the infant lobotomy also. That way he'll never think a thing either.) It is clearly malum in se -- an evil thing in itself -- tantamount to aggravated sexual battery culminating in mayhem.

      To pass a law that explicitly legalizes that specific form of mayhem admits that it is already illegal under existing law. But to pass such a law would create a very serious contradiction -- an inconsistency or hypocrisy. Any crime that is classifiable as malum in se is what it is. Murder, mayhem, rape, battery, and assault are crimes no matter what you other name you give them. "Surprise sex" is "rape" in every jurisdiction I'd care to live in, you know what I'm saying?

      It is only by hiding the evidence -- censoring textbooks, lying to people about what the "foreskin" really is, etc, and by carefully not mentioning it... that they can continue to remain ignorant of the law. But certainly, ignorance of the law is no excuse. This begs the question: Doctors, Lawyers, Politicians, Judges, District Attorneys, Attorney Generals, Sheriffs, and so on are often part of the same social clique. Are they also part of the same conspiracy to pretend that committing aggravated object rape of an infant that culminates in mayhem is not a crime, but an "accepted medical procedure?"

      Let's sue their pants off. If they refuse to prosecute it as the crime it truly is, then they themselves are guilty of misprision of felony. If they won't acknowledge it as the crime that it is, then we need to replace them with people who will. Elimination of corruption creates job openings and opportunities for advancement. One of my favourite stories is of a city official who put a hidden camera in his office to video an attempted bribery in progress... Let's show the world what they really are.

      How many of the men who serve in law enforcement, prosecutorial, and judicial roles are also victims of male genital mutilation? I suspect that such individuals are intelligent enough to comprehend what they read, and likely to be the kind who are ready, willing, and able to engage in some serious investigative academic research reading, in their copious free time, as part of their continued education requirement. What do you suppose they will conclude, after reviewing the evidence? Ever see that watch with a porky the pig on it, that says "Police Integrity Guts"? You know that "intestinal fortitude" is a double entendre for "genital integrity" right? So, does that mean that cops aren't cut? If that's true, then maybe they really are the storm troopers of the evil empire...

      Y'all gotta look stuff up around hee-ah. Y'all undahstaand that, right? That's what kinda neighborhood this here is.


      sed -i -e 's/Devil/God/g' -e 's/circumcised/uncircumcised/g' Abraham_HB_BOM.txt

      sed -i -e 's/Devil/God/g' -e 's/circumcised/uncircumcised/g' Abraham_HB_BOM.txt

      The title of this article is a pretend sed command. It is substituting the word "God" wherever it finds the word "Devil," and the word "uncircumcised" whereever it finds the word "circumcised" in the text file given to it on the command line.

      From what I gather, I believe that Joseph Smith would not disagree that it is entirely possible that what remains of the Holy Bible, and yes, even the modern, as we have it today in 2013, Book of Mormon, have been altered from their original form by an adversary who was hell-bent on repressing the Christian uprising, renaissance, or at-one-ment. In modern times, it is certainly easy to modify a computer file, and make it say just about anything you want. You could cause it, through any gross hack you could care to compel the machine to execute, to automatically edit a book, in a flash, without even reading it first. Now that you've gone and done that, don't be surprised and turn away with blind eyes if you find that it's fundamental meaning has probably been completely reversed!

      I also don't think he would entirely disagree, at least not seriously, with the assertion that some passages may have been deliberately written in a way that is not meant to be taken as literally correct, but instead should be thought over and perhaps what it really says is something similar to "the opposite" of what the words literally say. For instance, I don't think you're really expected to give away your magic underpants too when they sue your pants off... Though clearly it's not fair dinkum in contract law to swear by the hairs of your head.

      In terms of the whole "circumcision" thing... I think that Doctrine and Covenants 74 could be construed as being bogus based on the phrase in verse 5: "Wherefore, for this cause the apostle wrote unto the church, giving unto them a commandment, not of the Lord, but of himself..." since commandments are supposed to be 'of the lord'... But what does "lord" mean? Those who have been gifted with the Lore are now "lord", past tense. It is a logical fallacy to appeal to religion, but Religion may freely appeal to logic and reason. We read scripture for a purpose; we become quite facile at reading and making citations to written works. Clearly Our Heavenly Father intends that we study other written works beyond what remains of Holy Scripture... after all, we are given to believe that Moroni abridged the whole set of works to create the plates gifted unto Joseph Smith!

      You've gotta look stuff up around here! That's the kind of neighbourhood this is. Please don't ever forget that not even the Scripture is 100% accurate! It's a good thing Our Heavenly Father provided us with the gift of discernment --- the ability to divine right from wrong --- and along with that, he gave us Free Agency --- the ability to make our own choices.

      In terms of the amount and kind of lore required to Choose the Right thing with regards to amputation of a boy's prepuce... All that it requires is knowledge of the true anatomy and function of the adult prepuce, along with knowledge of what the baby or boy suffers during the procedure, and what the adult man he will someday become will suffer as a result of it's loss. Imagine if the Devil was in control of whether or not that information was made available to your mother! Would the Devil tell her the truth about it? I doubt it.

      What if the Devil knows how to typeset? ...or how to scour the Internet? What if you never even think to look it up, and you take the word of somebody who stands to profit in some way from your mistake?

      I am very certain that whatever entity it was that demanded that Abraham submit to amputation of his prepuce, that entity was most certainly not "God." There's no doubt whatsoever in my mind that (a) God the Father doesn't yell at us; (b) nor does he demand that we submit to amputation of an important part of the mortal body that he gave us when he sent us to live on Earth! The LDS Articles of Faith, number 8, says "We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly; we also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God." I suppose that whether it was "translated" or "subjected to gross hackery by a homo capitalis jeeper creep mobster" is a finer point for some hypothetical debate...

      History shows again and again how nature points out the folly of men.